how to contact me
My preferred method for you to contact me would be the booking request form at the bottom of this page. This is also the quickest way for your message to reach me. However, if you don’t wish to use the contact form, you can also contact me by email: summerdahlia@protonmail.com
When you fill the form, please make sure to include your phone number with your message, but don’t worry, I will not text or call you until we have agreed a time to talk over email – unless you specify in your message that you would prefer me to reply by sms.
I look forward to hearing from you x
details required to book
To request a booking with me, please send a message using the form below and include the following:
Incall or outcall? And for outcall bookings, please provide details of the outcall hotel or home address.
Date, time, and duration of booking. Simple but important. Make sure to let me know when you would like to see me, and how long you would like our session to be.
Name and contact details. Fill out the name and email address section in the form. For bookings, please also include a phone number in your message. (I will not call you, I will respond via email.) For inquiries only, make sure I have at least an email address so I can respond to your message.